Friday, July 23, 2010

Guide to observe assignment and report

Guide to observe assignment and report

Assignment for observation:
1. Develop a clear understanding of the nature and purpose of drill and review methods
2. To acquaint the students with the proper technique in conducting drill and review activities
Habits are of great importance teaching and in learning. Through apply of the law of use or exercises
Laws of exercises is closely related with drill and review though have deference aims and function
Exercises fundamental law of growth
 Drill is required it permanence in learning is desire
Review is use teaching to bring out points of relationship
Review is the organization and integration of facts. Information and skills in the light of the teaching procedure.

Class or grade__________section ___________date ______________________
Teacher____________________________observation ________________________
Go to a class where drill or review is conducting in preparation for a test or examination. Observe the drill or review work carefully and make a report based upon the following question:
1. ___________Was a drill work or review work properly motivated? Was the purpose of drill work or review work explained to the pupils?
2. __________If drill work was observe, were the drill period responses put under time pressure? Did the teacher encourage speed of response?
3. __________Do you think the length of the drill period was just about right , or do you think that it was rather too short, or too long?
4. __________If review work was observe, was the review work justified from educational point of view? Was the aim of the review accomplished?
5. __________Were facts associated, organized, established, and added to the pupil’s permanent store of knowledge?
6. ___________What are your comments and suggestion?
Indicate whether these sentences are true or false (verify):
1. __________Drill work is but the application of the law of exercise or use.
2. __________The principles of habits formation are to insure the right response in the future.
3. __________It is an accepted fact that habits are inherited traits.
4. __________According to the law of exercise, repetition weakens the mechanism responsible for response.
5. __________It is an accepted psychological principle that practice makes perfect.
6. __________Drill work is more efficient when practice is concentrated in one period.
7. __________Practice period should be arranged whenever a need for practice arises.
8. ________ In teaching, habit can utilized as a motive to learning.
9. __________Practice, to be values, should be applied at the point of error.
10. __________Mere repetition is sufficient to produce efficient learning.
11. __________Practice is less efficient when the purpose of the learner is known to him.
12. __________In drill work, well distributed practice produces effective results.
13. _________Habit formation is closely related to the law of exercise.
14. _________In drill, the emphasis must be on the repetition of correct work rather than on the correction of specific errors.
15. _________Habits can be formed or developed without reaction of some kind.
16. _________The longer the lengths the practice period, the better will the result be.
17. ________The law of disuse is the negative aspect of the law exercise.
18. _________Diagnosis should always precede and follow the drill method.
19. _________The acquisition of skills in arithmetic is matter of forming corrects habits.
20. _________The law of effect has a weak influence in the development of habits or skills.
21. _________In memorizing short material, the part method is superior to the whole method.
22. ________The kind of practice that’s makes perfect depends upon the number of repetition.
23. ________The fundamental aim of a review is to bring out points of relationship between the old and the new lesson.
24. ________Review work is effective when it involves a new meaning or of view point.
25. ________A review can be used to check up on the teacher and the pupils learning.
26. ________Drill and review have the same aims and functions.
27. ________The review is a mere repetition of the work that has been done before.
28. ________Review is a valuable aid to the securing of good teaching results.
29. ________A good review serves as a finishing touch to the teacher works.
30. ________The testing function of a review should be mainly incidental.
31. ________Review can be utilized to motivate the pupils to the future study.
32. ________Review is the organization and integration of experiences to give new view.
33. ________In review work, the emphasis is on the repetition of the old and correct responses’
34. ________The teacher should look upon review merely as an index of the pupils’ success or failure.
35. ________Review method, to be effective, must be use regularly by the teacher.
36. ________Review is necessary to insure and correct basis for correlation.
37. ________Subjects taught by units require the application of review technique.
38. ________It is generally accepted that review is a teaching procedure and not a testing device.
39. ________To make teaching more effective, review should be made a part of the teaching

40. ________Review applies more particularly to tool subjects who may be interpreting summarized, and organized.