Subject: Electrical System
Level: Second Year College
Cognitive Psychomotor Affective
Describe the following procedure of electrical system
Connect the actual diagram of electrical system installation Acknowledge the Electrical theory of Electrical Engineer’s
Explain the Electrical System Component
Construct a electrical diagram Sustain the procedure of Electrical component installation
Acknowledge the Electrical terms of Electrical System
Make a blueprint of Electrical lay out Understanding the Value of Electrical terminology
Recognize the principles of Electrical Machine
Install a complete circuit in one station Accept the value and importance of Electrical system
Emphasize the electrical lay out proper connection
Connect a two wire in the rattail connection Sustain the safety connection in the electrical Lay Out
SUBJECT: Electrical Machine Shop
1. At the end of one hour, the Electrical students should be able to recognize the Electrical Materials with at least 90% mastery.
SUBJECT: Ohm’s Law
2. At the end of one hour, the Electrical students should be able to solve the Electrical problems in Ohm’s law with at least 90% mastery.
SUBJECT: Electrical Machine
3. At the end of one hour, the Electrical students should be able to differentiate the AC motor & DC motor with at least 90% mastery.
SUBJECT: Single Phase Motor
4. At the end of one hour, the Electrical students should be able to demonstrate the procedure of taking data of single phase motor with at least 90% mastery.
5. At the end of one hour, the Electrical students should be able to define the Electrical terms in the Electric motor with at least 90% mastery.