5. What was the teacher behavior?
The teacher behaviors are.
a. Discuss the importance of Electrical Machine component.
b. Asking the students if they have the knowledge in Electrical materials
6. Were the methods and techniques use appropriate? If not, what could you suggest?
• The methods of lessons used were appropriate to the subject Electrical Machine because Electrical hypothesis engage the cognitive ability to gain more information
Method Use Teaching Behavior’s Student behavior Including Participations Recommendation
Discussion Discuss the information of Electrical machine components Listening & recognize the information of Electrical Machine Teaching Methods is suitable for Electrical Students
Question & Answer Asking the students have knowledge in Electrical Machine Answering the question of the teacher As form of motivation is suitable for the students
7. What were the instructional materials used?
a. Power point presentation
b. Projector
8. How was the lesson evaluated?
• Asking the students what they learn of Electrical Machine lesson.
9. Were the objectives of lesson attained? Justify
• The objectives of the lesson attained of the Electrical Machine are suitable for the cognitive of the students because after one hour they can recognize and define the components of the subject matter.
10. Give your insight on the activity observed
• My approaching on the class experiential, dealing with Electrical Subject. The methods of teaching should suitable of needs of the learner and must follow the objectives in the lesson so that the interest of the students will motivate.