Cagayan de Oro City
Course Syllabus
(Credit Units = 4 Units)
I. Course Description
This course is intended primarily for the students who are taking the course in Electrical Machine Shop 101 as part of the curriculum in professional education
The course focuses on the development and utilization of tools and equipment to improve in Electrical Machine Shop enhancement. It emphasizes the use of testing and measuring enhancement follow the standard of teaching of them.
II. Course Objectives
1. Show understanding of the basic concepts and assess electrical tools and equipment
2. Identify the tools and equipment and their uses
3. Procedure of repair equipment
4. Demonstrate skills enhancement of the subject
5. Apply statistical procedure in 5 S
III. Course Content
1. Electrical safety rules and precaution
2. Electrical tools and equipment and their purposes
3. Relationship between voltage, resistance, current
4. Types of wire and cables insulations
5. The diagram of simple circuit
Part II. Temperature scale and problems solving
1. Function of temperature of electrical machine shop
2. Diversity of Fahrenheit and Celsius
3. Problem solving and convert ion of temperature scale
4. Type of insulator and conductor for general wiring
Part III. Common wire and cable splices
1. Type of the splices and their uses
2. The wire and their splices
3. The cable and their splices
4. Proper joint of wire and cable
IV. Expected outcomes
1. Pass midterm, final exam and quizzes
2. Electrical shop assessment
3. Identify the tools and their uses
4. Actual exam
V. References
• Basics of Electricity and Magnetism — University of Wisconsin teacher’s day workshop links on electricity and magnetism
• Current and Ohm's Law — gives the formula and some explanation for Ohm’s law
• Current vs. Electron Flow — information and activities about current and electron flow in electricity
• Electric Circuits Study Applets — various study helps for learning about electric circuits
• James Watt — a biography of James Watt, for whom a unit of electrical measurement is named
• Lesson Plan: Electricity — this lesson plan for elementary school students includes many further resources on electricity
• TechTopics: Electricity — interactive tools for learning all about electricity
• Understanding Electricity — a page all about electricity from the Smithsonian
• Virtual Library: Voltage — explains the relationship between voltage, amperage, and resistance
Read more: http://www.appliancepartspros.com/electrical-references.aspx#ixzz1Ykiqto00
VI. Grading system used
Criterion: the student must be able to get forty (40) percent of the total score in the test in order to pass.
A. Mid-term
Quizzes 20%
Periodic exam 30%
Actual assessment 40%
Attendance 10%
Total 100%
B. Final exam
Quizzes 20%
Periodic exam 30%
Actual assessment 40%
Attendance 10%
Total 100%
Prepared by:
Mark Philip E. Baring